File System

Nagios plugins for monitoring various aspects of file systems (files, file counts, directories, mount points, etc.)

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File System

Usage # check_gluster -h Usage: check_gluster [options] -c, --checks bitrot,heal,nfs Checks to run. Default is bitrot,heal,nfs -s, --state-file /path/to/file State storage file. Default is /var/run/check_gluster_state.yaml…

5 (2) License: GPL by: Victor Sakovich
File System
Check if FS is Mounted ( AIX, NFS, UNIX, Linux, Solaris

Shell Script for Nagios, checks if the FS passed on $1 is mounted under Mount Type $2. If no parameter passed on $2 NFS type…

4.5 (2) License: GPL by: Carlos Ijalba
File System

zpool status checker for zfs on linux example: # /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_zfs # one pool OK storage-02(ONLINE 10.3T/87T),storage-03(ONLINE 75.6T/87T),storage-81(ONLINE 1.00T/87T) # resilver example WARNING storage-02(ONLINE 11.1T/87T),storage-03(RESILVER 18.53%,223M/s,82h51m),storage-81(ONLINE…

3 (1) License: BSD by: macskas
SMB ======================= This is a Nagios plugin for checking the normal operation of a Samba-based Active Directory server (Domain Controller). As of Samba 4.x, Samba…

4 (2) License: GPL by: George Hansper
File System

Options: -r Check if file is too small rather than too large. Warn size is not required and will be ignored if it is when…

License: GPL by: Jeffrey Scott

Checks that the share is accessible ./ -u 'username' -w workgroup -p 'password' -s 'ip address ou hostnameshare' OK Available - ip address ou hostnameshare

License: GPL by: Cléber Campanel
File System

This is going to check the number of files in a specific directory is below certain thresholds and return results in a nagios compatible format.…

License: GPL by: Ben Field
File System

So far, only tested on Ubuntu 12.04. Gluster added distributed geo-replication functionality in version 3.5. See the following for information on configuring and using the…

License: GPL by: Doug Wilson
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