File System

Nagios plugins for monitoring various aspects of file systems (files, file counts, directories, mount points, etc.)

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# nrpe-nagios-smb-mount-check Check mount SMB in windows via PowerShell. The main goal is to check and monitor mount. P.S. There are more creative options to…

License: GPL by: Sergey Babkevych
File System

If you find a bug or have a request, write me an email: You need to install php-snmp NEW Version 1.20220328 correct debug mode…

License: MIT by: Joerg Hoerter
File System

Nothing terribly special here. Just a 3-in-1 Powershell plugin to check if a file exists, the size of a file, or the number of files…

5 (1) License: GPL by: HunnyPuns
File System
Check Linux file system use including xfs project quota.

Check Linux file system use including xfs project quota. File system use is determined via the command df. Therefore this plugin can be used on…

License: GPL by: Greg Clarke
File System

Inside LXC container the disk info is misaligned from inside and outside container. For example for my LXC container from host I read (from lvs…

License: GPL by: backus
File System
License: MIT by: Josef Friedrich
File System
License: MIT by: Josef Friedrich

Check an SMB share using SMB1, SMB2, or SMB3. Checks Logon, Access, and if a share exists. Originally built by Steve Beauchemin at Nagios support.…

License: GPL by: James Alford
File System

I have a mailing list that I will send an email to when I update this plugin. This way you can find out as soon…

5 (1) License: GPL by: Nagios Exchange
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