Nagios plugins to monitor various environmental (light, temperature, motion sensing, etc.) hardware devices.
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______ ATTENTION: I'm no longer using nagios, therefore I stopped maintaining this plugin. I will take care of detailed bug reports, but cannot test anything.…
Credit due to Tollef Fog Heen for the original C code ( and to Nathanael Coleshaw for his assistance in fixing up the C. This…
"check_snmp_acs_pm" derives current, temperature, and firmware version from an iPDU attached to an ACS. WARNING and CRITICAL thresholds may be set for current and temperature,…
pCO Web Ethernet? interface board (PCO1000WB0) serve a web page to show Air conditioning alarm. This script checks a personal web page (pushed on to…
This program allows you to get your 1-wire sensor data (temperature, humidity, light, voltage, or current) via your LinkTH. The LinkTH is a more intelligent…
Usage: * -h * --man * -H #host# -M #module# -w #warning# -c #critical# Options: -h Display this helpmessage. -H The hostname…
For help use -h ;-)
You can connect up to 16 probes at a single TempTrax device.
AKCP SensorProbe8 and SensorProbe2 check plugin, written in Python
This project has a passive component, and also an active client/server component. Both gather the Fahrenheit temperature of a TempTrax serial-port probe.
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