Nagios plugins to monitor various environmental (light, temperature, motion sensing, etc.) hardware devices.
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Usage: [Warning] [Critical] ~$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ 65 70 OK: Raspberry Pi - 50 C°
This plugin checks the temperature or humidity from a watchport sensor. The temperature and humidity checks are in separate files. Parameters : -w - warning…
Read through the scripts and change if needed. Reading SNMP data and interpret respective IOD's
Nagios check for Denco Air Conditioning units +++ Installation +++ Copy the perl file to your libexec folder on the Nagios server. Set permissions on… is a python 3 script for monitoring air purifiers made by philips. Communication with the device is made with a customized version of py-air-control.…
Small program that locates all DS18B20 probes in the system and opens a logfile for each probe and writes the temperature from each probe to…
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