Email and Groupware

Nagios plugins to monitor various email and groupware systems.

Showing 41-50 of 134 results.

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Microsoft Exchange
Exchange 2013 ServerComponentState Health

Powershell Script for checking Exchange Server's ServerComponentState. ServerComponentState is an indicator for the overall health of your Exchange Server and all its components like OWA,…

4 (1) License: GPL by: simple-ASP GmbH
Microsoft Exchange
Exchange 2013 DAG Health Check

Powershell Script for checking DAG health. Needs NSClient++ on the Exchange DAG member server that is monitored. Please copy the script to your server and…

2.5 (2) License: GPL by: simple-ASP GmbH
Email and Groupware

This script is an hybrid of active and passive check plugin. It forks to run a child process which submits final results of the mail…

License: GPL by: Victor Ruiz Rivas
Email and Groupware

Main functions : 1 - Open a SSL connection with the mail server 2 - Open an IMAPS connection to the mail server with uer,password…

License: GPL by: Elio Canale-Parola

One more updated version of Fully perl SNMP plugin for BES 5 (works windows/linux) - could be execute on local server or remote -…

License: GPL by: arigaud
Email and Groupware

Version Notes: 2014-07-08 * First release of the plugin

License: GPL by: Nagios Exchange
Email and Groupware

This plugin is a bash script which checks if there are any stopped services in the Zimbra mail system. Rather it reports a warning or…

License: GPL by: André Lima
Email and Groupware

Ruby script for checking for a specific email subject using imap and NTLM authentication. usage: check_email_subject.rb "subject to test for"

Microsoft Exchange
Exchange 2010-2013 database size check

Check the size of your Exchange Database, and receive an alert when it grows to big. Use in NSclient++ [NRPE Handlers] Check_database_size_check=cmd /c echo C:ScriptsnagiosCheck_database_size_check.ps1…

License: GPL by: Robin Smit
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