Email and Groupware

Nagios plugins to monitor various email and groupware systems.

Showing 31-40 of 134 results.

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Nagios agent to check how many e-mail are processed by qmail. This probe parses qmail logs and count how many : - Successful delivered mails…

3 (1) License: MIT by: Antoine Pernot
Check Queued Emails Requests

1. Add to visudo your nrpe (NAGIOS) user 2. Add the following to nrpe.cfg: command[check_queue]=sudo /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -w 40 -c 50 3. /etc/init.d/nrpe restart or /etc/init.d/nagios-nrpe-server…

License: GPL by: Ben
Email and Groupware
Check Mail Server

This Perl plugin will attempt to connect to a user on a given mail server and send out an alarm if it either fails to…

License: GPL by: Tim Barnes
Check Postfix Mailqueue 2

USAGE: / -w 'Warning level for active mails' -c 'Critical level for active mail' / -h will give you more information and source code is…

5 (1) License: GPL by: Zika

This is a Nagios plugin, for checking the normal operation of a Postfix greylisting policy-daemon. The Postfix mail server can use policy-deamons to accecpt, reject,…

License: GPL by: George Hansper
check_postqueue (edouard.lamoine)

Plugin made by Edouard Lamoine This plugin is checking the Postfix queue, and allow user to pass WARNING and CRITICAL thresholds. Copy the plugin in…

5 (1) License: Other by: Edouard Lamoine
Microsoft Exchange
Exchange Database mount check.

Script to check if databases are mounted, exchange 2010 & 2013. [NRPE Handlers] #check_database_mount_customer=cmd /c echo C:Scriptscheck_database_mount.ps1 | PowerShell.exe -Command - # On the check_nrpe…

License: GPL by: Robin Smit
Email and Groupware

this plugin checks for available updates for ZeXtras SUITE for Zimbra Server, as well as licence expiration dates and number of allowed users, warning you…

License: GPL by: Matija Nalis
Novell GroupWise
GroupWise Web Access Logon

This python script checks whether a user can log on to a GroupWise Web Access server. You must supply the credentials of a test account…


based on check_blackberry5 from tob changed oid for licensing check, testet on bes oid review: = licenses total = licenses free…

License: GPL by: Karsten Hollop
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