E-Commerce, Billing and Financial

Various Nagios plugins for monitoring e-commerce systems, currency exchange, billing, etc.

Showing 11-12 of 12 results.

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E-Commerce, Billing and Financial

i found this plugin on www.nagios-portal.de System requirements: - Perl - Net::Amazon - Net::Amazon::Request::ASIN - Getopt::Long - Log::Log4perl qw(:easy) - Login at Amazon with access…

E-Commerce, Billing and Financial
Currency Rate Monitoring Script

Example: bash currencymon.sh Usage: currencymon.sh [--minwarn value] [--maxwarn value] [--mincrit value] [--maxcrit value] [-v|--verbose] # bash currencymon.sh 2.65 2.95 2.55 3.15 MONEYX OK: Value of…