E-Commerce, Billing and Financial

Various Nagios plugins for monitoring e-commerce systems, currency exchange, billing, etc.

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E-Commerce, Billing and Financial
Stock check

This bash script queries the Tradier API to retrieve stock quotes. It requires an account(free) at https://developer.tradier.com. Currently it will work with the last, change,…

E-Commerce, Billing and Financial

This is a plugin written in Python for the purposes of monitoring the Quickbooks Server port for Quickbooks users.

E-Commerce, Billing and Financial

The bischeck plugin is a standalone plugin server that is integrated with Nagios using passive checks over the NSCA, NRDP or Livestatus protocol, but also…

5 (2) License: GPL by: anders haal
E-Commerce, Billing and Financial

Allows you to know when your SMS Global (http://www.smsglobal.com/) credit is running low ... It's a good idea to have redundant SMS Gateways if using…

License: BSD by: Cooper Lees
E-Commerce, Billing and Financial

Checks the current spot price for a given Amazon EC2 instance type and generates an alert if the price is greater than the specified limits.…

E-Commerce, Billing and Financial

Pacific Timesheet is DCAA Compliant web-based timesheet and time tracking software that provides project timesheet, project time tracking, project management, project portfolio management, job costing,…

E-Commerce, Billing and Financial
check_journyx.php – checks Journyx application page

This plugin is written in PHP and uses curl as well. The intention of this plugin is to check whether the web page opens and…

E-Commerce, Billing and Financial
check_arcor – Cost Control for Arcor

The plugin was develeoped by ciphron. To read more you may read their blog post about Arcor Cost Control. You can choose a warn/crit limit…