Nagios plugins for monitoring DNS.
Showing 11-20 of 31 results.
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Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection, download it here: ./ --help Nagios Plugin to test a DNS record Primarily written to check things…
Since now requires you to logon once a month to keep your host registration, this plugin will do this automatically for you. (don't execute…
Nagios plugin to return Information on domain expiration date from OVH API. OVH Expiration Check DNS. © Keysource 2013 Usage: [-u userovh] [-p passwordovh]…
Usage: $USER1$/ -d domainname.tld -w int -c int Version history: 1.0: initial release 1.0a: minor regex bug fix 1.1: major regex updates
NAME - Verify RRSIG expiration for a zone. SYNOPSIS -H host -z zone [ options ] host: The server to query zone: The…
This plugin determines the current external address (by checking with Then it finds the address known to DNS. If they do not match, there…
check_dnssec is a set of Nagios plugins to monitor DNSSEC services/zones. check_dnssec is based on ldns a lowlevel DNS(SEC) library. * check_dnssec_expiration - Checks if…
Given a /24 ip space, check to see if the nameservers specified by 'authns' are authoritative for them to the world. 'authns' can be a…
The time needed is returned.
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