
Various distributions of Nagios and Nagios-related stuff, including Live CDs/DVDs, full-blown packages, and pre-compiled binaries.

Showing 1-10 of 18 results.

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Packaged Distributions
NEMS Linux – Nagios Enterprise Monitoring Server

NEMS is the Nagios Enterprise Monitoring Server. Say goodbye to Nagios config files. NEMS Linux (/n?mz/) is a modern pre-configured, customized and ready-to-deploy Nagios Core…

License: GPL by: Robbie Ferguson
Packaged Distributions
Image for OpenStack with Nagios Core 4.0.8 pre-installed

This is a ready to run image for OpenStack based on CentOS 6.6 x64 with Nagios Core 4.0.8 pre-installed. Just download and extract the file…

License: GPL by: Jens Voskuhl
Packaged Distributions
Nagios Agent Installation

This script will add a new remote nagios agent using nrpe. This script must be run within your nagios server and it supports Cento, RHEL,…

Added nrpe (daemon mode) to support SRC

The patch are produced by the AIX diff command (option: diff -c). Nrpe is started by start -s nrpe and stopped by stopsrc -s nrpe.…

License: GPL by: frphoebus
AIX Native Checks

Please visit also this link to get more information: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/pseries/v5r3/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.aix.prftools/doc/prftools/prftools07.htm Please feel free to send me an email to nagios.info@suedleasing.de if you have any questions.…

Packaged Distributions
Nagios XI

Online Demo: Visit the online demo of Nagios XI at nagiosxi.demos.nagios.com Free Trial: A free 60-day trial of Nagios XI is available online at http://www.nagios.com/products/nagiosxi/try…

5 (10) License: Other by: egalstad
Packaged Distributions

The Service Operation Center box, socbox, is target to create one single platform for all service monitoring. Service monitoring in the socbox context mean any…

5 (1) License: GPL by: anders haal
Pre-compiled binaries for AIX, Solaris and IRIX

These are pre-compiled binaries for most of today's current UNIX systems to allow people without a C compiler to get Nagios running quickly. At the…

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