Plugins for monitoring databases of various types.
Showing 111-120 of 240 results.
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With this plug-in you can check the connection from your Asp .NET applications to an Oracle DataBase Server without worrying about the connection strings. It…
Check By Jdbc Nagios Plugin - version 1.0.c - READ-ME 1. Introduction 1.1. What is CheckByJdbc Nagios Plugin? Nagios CheckByJdbc plugin allows you to check…
Requires: NSClient++ w/ NRPE enabled & SQL Server Perfmon Counters. Notes: NRPE requires "allow_arguments" and "allow_nasty_meta_chars" enabled. Service Example: define service { use generic-service hostgroups…
check_mysql_counters ==================== check_mysql_counters is a nagios plugin and pnp4nagios template designed to show you performance trends in your MySQL servers. To use, copy the appropriate…
Monitor the status of teh Progress AdminServer, NameServer en AppServer on HPUX server platform.
This is the original official check_oracle nagios plugin, developed by (whoever he is) modified to work through ssh to check the remote oracle server,…
For testing if 4D Server is alive please only use UDP access, not trying TCP (as another Nagios plugin is doing, this may overload the…
Description: Checks master and slave log positions as well as slave status. Usage: ./ -H Script assumes: * it is run from the master server…
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