
Dashlets for extending the functionality and capabilities of Nagios XI.  Dashlets are visual elements that can be added to Nagios XI dashboards and customized on a per-user basis.
For more information on Nagios XI, visit http://www.nagios.com/products/nagiosxi

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Weather checking dashlet

This is the Weather dashlet i created during my internship, and it was made for testing purposes only. Only a few cities are available right…

Text Dashlet Enhanced

Tested on Nagios XI 2012R1.2. Version History 2013-01-18 * Initial Release

4 (3) License: GPL by: Nagios Exchange
Nagios BPI Dashlet For Nagios Fusion
5 (2) License: Other by: Mike Guthrie
Status Info Dashlet

Upload the Dashlet via Admin > Manage Dashlets. Create your custom Dashlet via Dashboards > Available Dashlets. This will bring up the "Add To Dashboard"…

4.8 (6) License: GPL by: Nagios Exchange
RSS Feed Dashlet

Create a custom RSS feed with up to 5 sources. The feed is color-coded by newest to oldest, and scrolls as a list in order…

License: GPL by: Mike Guthrie
Custom URL Dashlet

Define your own URL, dimensions, and opacity in this highly flexible dashlet! To install on Nagios XI, download the dashlet to your workstation. Access the…

License: BSD by: Mike Guthrie
Google Map Nagios XI Dashlet

This dashlet is intended to be paired with the XI Google Map component. It allows the insertion of the Google Map tool into a dashlet…

5 (1) License: GPL by: Mike Guthrie