Configuration Wizards

Nagios XI configuration wizards make it easy to extend Nagios for your organization.  Configuration wizards provide users with easy, step-by-step instructions for monitoring new hosts and services with Nagios.

For more information on Nagios XI, visit

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Configuration Wizards
AIX Wizard

This wizard is to be used with the Nagios XI AIX Agent found at: Important: This wizard/agent are getting outdated. You could monitor AIX…

Configuration Wizards
Solaris Wizard

This wizard is to be used with the Nagios XI Solaris Agent. The agent can be found at: The version of each Monitoring wizard…

Configuration Wizards
Mac OS X Wizard

Works together with the Installing the XI Mac OSX Agent The version of each Monitoring wizard could be different in different minor versions of Nagios…

Configuration Wizards
Watchguard Wizard

This Watchguard utilized SNMP to monitor the following metrics on your Watchguard device: - CPU Usage - Active Connections - Port Bandwidth - Port Status…

1 (2) by: Nicholas
Configuration Wizards
Oracle Query Wizard

Wizard that makes monitoring Oracle queries easier. Please refer to Oracle Plugin Install documenation for a how-to on installing the check_oracle_health plugin. The version of…

3 (1) by: Nicholas
Configuration Wizards
Oracle Tablespace Wizard

This wizard uses the check_oracle_health plugin to monitor various metrics of Oracle table spaces. Refer to the Oracle Plugin Install for a walk through on…

Configuration Wizards
Bulk Host Import Wizard

The version of each Monitoring wizard could be different in different minor versions of Nagios XI. Make sure you download the correct version! Installing a…

4 (1) by: egalstad
Configuration Wizards
SSH Proxy Monitoring Wizard

Documentation on setting up passwordless SSH authentication and using this wizard are found in the following document: The version of each Monitoring wizard could…

5 (2) by: egalstad
Configuration Wizards
NRPE XI Monitoring Wizard

Documentation on using this wizard can be found at the following link: The version of each Monitoring wizard could be different in different minor…

4 (1) by: egalstad
Configuration Wizards
Dell UPS Monitoring Wizard

The monitoring of the UPS is performed by the script. Further information on this script is located at: Version 2011-03-14 The first version…

2.5 (2) License: GPL by: Nagios Exchange
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