Clustering and High-Availability

Nagios plugins to monitor cluster and high-availability applications.

Showing 151-160 of 178 results.

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Clustering and High-Availability
Clustering and High-Availability
nrpe plugin: check_lsf_master

Use the -h option to see options available. Can select the cluster to report on if there is more than one, and you can add…

4 (1) License: GPL by: Alastair Munro
Clustering and High-Availability

FULL DESCRIPTION: This plugin is for testing the presence of crashed nodes in a high performance computing cluster. In such clusters, it is not uncommon…

License: GPL by: Jonathan Mills
Clustering and High-Availability

# ================================================================================= # GPFS health monitor plugin for Nagios # # Name : # Type : Shell Script # Package : uadmtools for nagios…

License: GPL by: bosek
Clustering and High-Availability
Check CRM

This Plugin Checks the status of a Pacemaker based cluster using crm_mon. It checks there is Quorum, the status of nodes and the status of…

4.8 (9) License: GPL by: Phil Garner
Clustering and High-Availability
Check Corosync Rings

Checks the number of Corosync rings running and their status. Only runs on local host so I suggest you use NRPE if nagios isn't local.…

5 (2) License: GPL by: Phil Garner
Clustering and High-Availability

This script will check the resources running on Linux HA (by using crm_mon) and will return any errors if resources are not running correctly. This…

Clustering and High-Availability

This plugin is executed by a NRPE check, and has been tested with Opsview. It will determine the status of Linux HA by using crm_mon.…