Nagios plugins to monitor cluster and high-availability applications.
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Usage: check_haproxy_backend -H haproxyserver -x backend No error checking done in the script. Expects that the follwing has been added to haproxy.cfg, but username, password,…
Check if metering services in OpenStack (Ceilometer) are running.
This plugin need sudo to work with nrpe the nrpe-owner will use the following commands with sudo: sudo-User command CRS_OWNER $CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl CRS_OWNER $CRS_HOME/bin/orabase CRS_OWNER $CRS_HOME/bin/ocrcheck… connects to haproxy via UNIX socket and retrieves haproxy stats. It then parses the stats and reports any FRONTEND which is not OPEN and/or…
-- Removed after finding the ldirectord DC doesn't update after secondary is restarted then takes over. Working on an method for finding primary. This is…
Check OpenStack Glance. Uses python glance_client api to connect, find the minimum images number and images name desired in glance.
Check OpenStack Nova api. Uses python novaclient api to connect and verify if : * There are one or more flavors * Can list servers…
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