Clustering and High-Availability

Nagios plugins to monitor cluster and high-availability applications.

Showing 131-140 of 178 results.

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Clustering and High-Availability

Usage: check_haproxy_backend -H haproxyserver -x backend No error checking done in the script. Expects that the follwing has been added to haproxy.cfg, but username, password,…

4 (2) License: BSD by: Soren Hansen
Clustering and High-Availability

Check if metering services in OpenStack (Ceilometer) are running.

License: GPL by: Emilien Macchi
Clustering and High-Availability
Check Oracle Grid-Infrastructure or Oracle Restart

This plugin need sudo to work with nrpe the nrpe-owner will use the following commands with sudo: sudo-User command CRS_OWNER $CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl CRS_OWNER $CRS_HOME/bin/orabase CRS_OWNER $CRS_HOME/bin/ocrcheck…

4 (1) License: GPL by: Thorsten Bruhns
Clustering and High-Availability connects to haproxy via UNIX socket and retrieves haproxy stats. It then parses the stats and reports any FRONTEND which is not OPEN and/or…

4 (1) License: Other by: Giacomo Montagner
Clustering and High-Availability
ldirectord Service Check

-- Removed after finding the ldirectord DC doesn't update after secondary is restarted then takes over. Working on an method for finding primary. This is…

Clustering and High-Availability

Check OpenStack Glance. Uses python glance_client api to connect, find the minimum images number and images name desired in glance.

License: GPL by: Florian Lambert
Clustering and High-Availability

Check OpenStack Nova api. Uses python novaclient api to connect and verify if : * There are one or more flavors * Can list servers…

License: GPL by: Florian Lambert