Clustering and High-Availability

Nagios plugins to monitor cluster and high-availability applications.

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Clustering and High-Availability

Very simple nagios plugin, tests for correct response over TCP port from zookeeper., Written in C++ with boost, and need cmake. Needed packages for debian…

License: GPL by: Simone Lazzaris
Clustering and High-Availability
Check HaProxy Configuration

1. Alerts if someone has made a erroneous modification to the syntax. 2. Alerts if a Load-Balanced member is no longer reachable via DNS name…

License: GPL by: Shawn Brito
Clustering and High-Availability

Run two or more NRPE checks and return a status based on their aggregated results. Intended for redundancy situations where multiple checks are performed to…

License: MIT by: Tom Ryder
Clustering and High-Availability
Starwind VSAN Health

I made this PHP-script for check state of my virtual SAN Starwind high-availability iSCSI storage. Idea was given from Prerequisites: PHP 5.3+ with php_sockets…

License: GPL by: Yury
Clustering and High-Availability
License: GPL by: felipeferreira
Clustering and High-Availability
Check Failover Cluster Storage

Plugin to check your Failover Cluster without installing any Scripts on your Windows Server. Make sure that you have NSclient++ installed and add this to…

License: GPL by: Christian Kirsten
Clustering and High-Availability

Check the status of Veritas Cluster Groups Script to launch without parameter. It will check all Groups status and detect failed groups. It will return…

License: GPL by: Fabien BRIZI
Clustering and High-Availability
Check File Share Witness

Usage: check_file_share_witness [-cluster:cluster_name] [-node:node_name] [-fsw:share_path] [-c]

1 (1) License: GPL by: mvanle