Nagios plugins to monitor cluster and high-availability applications.
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Very simple nagios plugin, tests for correct response over TCP port from zookeeper., Written in C++ with boost, and need cmake. Needed packages for debian…
1. Alerts if someone has made a erroneous modification to the syntax. 2. Alerts if a Load-Balanced member is no longer reachable via DNS name…
Run two or more NRPE checks and return a status based on their aggregated results. Intended for redundancy situations where multiple checks are performed to…
I made this PHP-script for check state of my virtual SAN Starwind high-availability iSCSI storage. Idea was given from Prerequisites: PHP 5.3+ with php_sockets…
Plugin to check your Failover Cluster without installing any Scripts on your Windows Server. Make sure that you have NSclient++ installed and add this to…
Check the status of Veritas Cluster Groups Script to launch without parameter. It will check all Groups status and detect failed groups. It will return…
Usage: check_file_share_witness [-cluster:cluster_name] [-node:node_name] [-fsw:share_path] [-c]
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