Nagios plugins for monitoring a Cloud Infrastructure.
Showing 21-30 of 53 results.
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Prerequisites Python3 boto3 extention (using: pip install boto3) AWS cli installed AWS Access key, Secret key and Region configured Usage ./ [-h] [--loadbalancer LOADBALANCER] [--period…
Prerequisites Python3 boto3 extention (using: pip install boto3) AWS cli installed AWS Access key, Secret key and Region configured Usage ./ [-h] [--targetgroup TARGETGROUP] [--loadbalancer…
Objective Get metrics of AWS ECS service Memory & CPU. Prerequisites Python3 boto3 extention (using: pip install boto3) AWS cli installed AWS Access key, Secret…
DESCRIPTION Check Azure AD Connect Sync status and returns Nagios output and code. PARAMETER Hours Hours since the last synchronization. Default: 3 OUTPUTS * OK:…
Install: Install the AWS CLI and configure the credentials for the Nagios service's user. See `IAM-policy-example.json` for an example IAM policy document for the Nagios…
Nagios Cloudwatch Metrics plugin ====================== This plugin allows you to check certain AWS Cloudwatch metrics and set alerts on predefined values. The script is written…
# Overview Nagios is one of the most used open source monitoring tools. The current package contains a plugin which can be used for monitoring…
This is simple python script which sends api request to openshift (or kubernetes) master server: /api/v1/pods and parse json response. usage: --ulr openshift_master --node…
======================================================== usage: [-h] [-v] -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD [-n HOSTNAME] Nagios check of the sync status of CloudEndure replication. Exit status 0 == OK,…
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