
Nagios plugins to monitoring Cisco server hardware.

Showing 1-6 of 6 results.

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Cisco IMC Nagios Plugin

Nagios is an open source computer system, network and infrastructure monitoring software application. It also offers alerting for servers, switches, applications, and services. This solution…

5 (1) License: Apache by: ciscoucs
Cisco IMC plugin

Supported Nagios Releases: This plugin is supported on Nagios version 3.2 and higher versions. Supported Cisco IMC Releases: This plugin is supported on Cisco IMC…

5 (2) License: Apache by: GopiKrishna S
Cisco UCS Manager plugin

Supported Nagios Versions: This plugin is supported on Nagios Core version 3.2 and higher versions. Supported Cisco UCS Manager Releases: This plugin is supported on…

2.6 (5) License: Apache by: GopiKrishna S

source file: check_cisco_ucs.go Version 0.6 (19.07.2017) check_cisco_ucs is a Nagios plugin to monitor Cisco UCS rack and blade center hardware. The plugin uses the Cisco…

4.8 (13) License: GPL by: Herwig Grimm
Cisco Unified Computing System

check_ucs version 2.1.0. by Petr Havlicek ( 2012-2014 Nagios plugin for monitoring Cisco UCS over SNMP. USAGE: -H HOST_IP -T TYPE -N OBJECT_NAME [-C COMMUNITY]…

4.2 (5) License: GPL by: Petr Havlicek
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