
Nagios plugins for monitoring BackupExec.

Showing 11-14 of 14 results.

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You clear the alarm by acknowledge the alert in Backupexec It use NSClient++ to execute the vb script on the Backupexec server. The script queries…

4.6 (8) License: GPL by: Nils Cronstedt
Check BackupExec Backup Size

It takes the percentage comparison between Total Used Space X Total backuped Space Example Backuped 90% of the supposed space then raise warn if only…

Symantec BackupExec job check

This executable file must be run on the Windows server where BackupExec is installed. It will process all the BackupExec job history files, find the…

Check Backup Exec Veritas Services

# --- checkcommands.cfg BEGIN ---- # 'check_nt-backupexecagent' command definition define command{ command_name check_nt_beagent command_line $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 1248 -v SERVICESTATE -d SHOWALL -l BackupExecAgentBrowser…

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