Backup and Recovery

Nagios plugins for monitoring various types of backup software (ArcServe, Amanda, Ghost, etc).

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check_backup (for any backup system)

From the script: check_backup v1.0 Nagios plugin by John E.P. Hynes, HyTronix [03/22/2015] Arguments can be in any order: d[days] h[hours] m[minutes] s[seconds] x[multiplier]…

License: BSD by: John E.P. Hynes
Backup and Recovery
Check Windows Backup Log

# For Windows 2012 Copy script check_backup.ps1 in NSClient++ scripts folder on Windows Server Client Edit NSC.ini (config file for NSclient++) and add in section…

License: GPL by: Rizzotto Demis
Amanda – Disk-to-Disk

*Now also supports open source Amanda, as well as the Zmanda product* This check reads the files named disklist.conf or disklist which are present in…

2 (1) License: GPL by: George Hansper

This script uses `/usr/sbin/nsradmin` from the networker client, installed, and running on the nagios host. The query used is: nsradmin> show statistics nsradmin> print type:NSR

Check Netbackup Media Volume Pool Size

Description: Simple shell script to check how many tapes are in media volume pool. You may set thresholds to have warning and critical notifications. Usage:…

License: GPL by: Andrea Bolongaro
Backup and Recovery
Check Burp Backup
4.3 (3) License: Other by: Pierre Guillot

This plugin is designed for scenarios where multiple backups are defined in different rsnaphost configuration files. For example, to setup nagios to monitor backups defined…

5 (2) License: GPL by: James Abbott
arcserve UDP check

I am not programmer, but I needed to monitor UDP backup status and did not find any Nagios plugin out there. I examined the SQL…

License: GPL by: adhafera
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