Nagios plugins for monitoring various types of backup software (ArcServe, Amanda, Ghost, etc).
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Configurable multiplatform k-shell plugin for checking backup logfiles generated by custom, local shell-script backup scripts such as ufsdump, fbackup, backup, etc. Configured via a configuration…
This module checks if backups have been made without any errors for BackupPC. Form result : [x problems] - host1 : problem description - host2…
check_backuppc is a plugin to monitor BackupPC.
## Description This plugin reads the last log entry from a storeBackup logfile and derives a status from the storeBackup output. Usage: check_storeBackup logfile ##…
The script is called by the Ultrabac Job when the backup finished. Details about Ultrabac Before/After Job Macros: normal after job: c:scriptscheck_ultrabac.vbs -H:Servername -R:Servicedescripten…
This script will check that netbackup drives are online. It uses arguments via the -w -c user defined thresholds.
Checks the status of drive paths using output from tpconfig.exe. Warning and Critical thresholds are configured inside the script. We're executing via NSClient
This package contains two plugins for checking the status of the 2 Box Backup Daemons: * bbstored * bbackupd +++ check_bbstored The 'check_bbstored' plugin…
This NRPE check monitors the status of amanda backups. It searches through the latest trace logs of a backup set and looks for any ERROR…
# --- checkcommands.cfg BEGIN ---- # 'check_nt-backupexecagent' command definition define command{ command_name check_nt_beagent command_line $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 1248 -v SERVICESTATE -d SHOWALL -l BackupExecAgentBrowser…
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