Backup and Recovery

Nagios plugins for monitoring various types of backup software (ArcServe, Amanda, Ghost, etc).

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Robocopy logfile check espanol

Checks the state of a regular robocopy copy job by scanning the logfile in spanish Usage: [--user ] [--password ] [--maxAge ] where Is…

Backup and Recovery
check hycu target usage

check_hycu_target Nagios check that use HYCUs REST API to get HYCU target storage usage and status prerequisites This script uses theses libs : REST::Client, Data::Dumper,…

License: GPL by: Julien DESMAREST
Backup and Recovery

check_hycu_backup_vm Nagios check that uses HYCU's REST API to get backup status prerequisites This script uses theses libs : REST::Client, Data::Dumper, Getopt::Long, Monitoring::Plugin, MIME::Base64, JSON,…

License: GPL by: Julien DESMAREST
Tivoli Storage Manager

Checks the following: - actlog utilization - database utilization - database buffer pool hit ration - tape drives online - tape paths online - scratch…

Backup and Recovery

I’ve made a small set of scripts to allow for an easy monitoring integration with Nagios Core. You’ll need to place the following files into…

License: Other by: pgn
Check Arcserve Backup Jobs

This parses the output from the ca_qmgr tool. Since NCPA runs as SYSTEM, permission must be granted to SYSTEM to access the arcserve tool. I…

License: GPL by: Nathan Safran
Backup and Recovery
Check Cohesity
License: GPL by: Cohesity

This is a Nagios Plugin that checks the last status of last run of all veeam jobs, not including Replication (BackupSync) jobs (which is a…

4 (1) License: GPL by: efrat
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