Nagios plugins for monitoring Asterisk.
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Documenation and examples available on github page
Check if there are missing directories in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor. The script just check if there is a directory for every day in a given period of…
This is a passive Nagios plugin to gather the fax statistics for Asterisk systems. This package contains plugin versions for both the Spandsp and Digium…
This plugin check the voicemail to make sure they are not full, using the cli manager. There is no parameters, it use the default maximum…
Check the amount of current active calls from Asterisk. Most values are hard-coded in script but easy to edit.
Check the calls Asterisk has processed since the last check. Creates a file into /tmp directory to calculate this. Set attempt check to 1 to…
check_asterisk_siptrunk ======================= This plugin will check the status of a SIP Peer via the Asterisk Management Interface (AMI) Usage: [ -v|--verbose ] [--host|-H host]…
No using parameters.
No need parameters in the configuration.
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