
Nagios plugins for monitoring ArcServe.

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Check Arcserve Backup Jobs

This parses the output from the ca_qmgr tool. Since NCPA runs as SYSTEM, permission must be granted to SYSTEM to access the arcserve tool. I…

License: GPL by: Nathan Safran

DISCONTINUED! due to ArcServe in many cases not write events to DB. __________________________________________________________ This plugin is check MSSQL Arcserve_DB and check last record about Backup.…

arcserve UDP check

I am not programmer, but I needed to monitor UDP backup status and did not find any Nagios plugin out there. I examined the SQL…

License: GPL by: adhafera
CA ARCserve Backup r12 Number of Job Error Check

Nagios NRPE_NT plugin to check the number of job errors using the ca_qmgr.exe cli tool. The plugin will return: OK (0) if no job error…

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