Nagios plugins for monitoring Apache.
Showing 11-20 of 25 results.
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quick perl script to scrape http access logs for an error code and report them back to nagios with running totals I used a handy… Fetches the 'server-status?auto' page of an apache server, extracts all information and evaluates them. This script is based on ideas from that offered on…
The usage of this plugin is based on the information provided by mod_status Apache module, thus both the module installation on the server side and…
See checks all virtual hosts of an running Apache2 instance. This plugin depends on sshpass (for Debian: apt-get install sshpass) and ssh (for Debian: apt-get…
A Nagios plugin that parses the status page of an apache or lighttpd server, the plugin returns the response time, the amount of idle, busy,…
Apache Monitor for Nagios version 1.1 GPL licence, (c)2006-2007 De Bodt Lieven Usage: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -H -p -t -w -c -V -h, --help print this help…
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