Apache Tomcat

The java-based servlet server from Apache

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Apache Tomcat
check_tomcat (bash)
Apache Tomcat

This plugin will use to monitor HEAP Level of tomcat, jbossand any java application Memory Usages. make sure java application name is correct. check_tomcat -p…

4 (2) License: GPL by: pawan
Apache Tomcat

JvmInspector is standalone tool + Nagios wrapper plugin (check_jvm) that dumps various properties from locally running JVMs. This information includes: * Heap & non-heap memory…

3.9 (9) License: GPL by: Dimitar Fidanov
Apache Tomcat

check_tomcat.py =============== Check tomcat server plugin for nagios Author: Daniel Dueñas Domingo (dduenasd@gmail.com) Version 2.0 Description =========== This plugin uses the tomcat manager webapp, this…

4.3 (3) License: GPL by: Daniel Dueñas
Apache Tomcat
check_TomcatApplication updated
3.2 (5) License: GPL by: Vahid Hedayati
Apache Tomcat

check_TomcatApplication -u user -p password -h host -P port -a application Options: -u/--user) User name for authentication on Tomcat Manager Application -p/--password) Password for authentication…

3.3 (4) License: GPL by: Cleberson Borges
Apache Tomcat

This plugin does a HTTP GET of the tomcat status page: /manager/status?XML=true It checks the resulting XML for: * Low free memory * Excessive thread…

4.7 (9) License: GPL by: George Hansper
Apache Tomcat

--- Prerequisites Tomcat server should have management context (/manager/list or /manager/text/list) enabled. nagios server runtime prerequisites: bash,basename,awk,wget --- Usage: check_tomcatSessions [ -H hostname or IP…

4.5 (2) by: Roberto
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