Nagios plugins to monitor various anti-virus software.
Showing 1-10 of 28 results.
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Bash shell Script for Nagios & NagiosXI, reports on the general KLMS health: OK: All KLMS Databases are Up to Date, KLMS running, LDAP connected.…
Nagios plugin to monitor ClamAV signatures are up to date. Usage: Usage: ./check_clamav_signatures [options] Examples # exit OK if signatures up to date, CRITICAL if…
Nagios plugin for monitoring ClamAV virus scans. Usage: ./check_clamav_scan -l [options] Examples: # exit OK if 0 infected files detected, CRITICAL if 1 or more…
To execute from within NSClient++ [NRPE Handlers] check_mcafee_status = cmd /c echo scripts\Check_McAfee_Status.ps1 -AgentVersion -VScanVersion -EngineVersion 5800.7501 -WarnDays 2 -CritDays 5; exit($lastexitcode) |…
The plugin checks various scenarios: -the last scan was too long ago -the current scan runs too long (e.g. clamscan hangs on an infected file)…
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