Nagios plugins for monitoring AIX.

Showing 21-30 of 39 results.

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Check AIX Disk IO

Plugin shows IO consumption on your certain AIX server. You have to define your warning, critical thresholds by your own and disk list to be…

4 (4) License: GPL by: Bratislav Stojkovic
AIX 5.3/6.1/7.1 – Check Filesystems

Collection of scripts I use to monitor AIX/VIOS infrastructure. ### Script for remote AIX/VIOS servers: I use this script in conjuction with check_aix_disks. Tested with…

License: MIT by: Haukur Kristinsson
Check LPAR Physical CPU Usage

Plugin shows physical processor usage on your certain LPAR AIX server. You have to define your warning and critical thresholds by your own. The most…

2 (2) License: GPL by: Bratislav Stojkovic
Check AIX Last Update

Plugin calculates number of days since last success update on your AIX server. You have to define your warning and critical thresholds by your own…


CHECK_NMON.PL This script will read a data file generated by NMON and return the value for the key/subkey params passed to it. Option -t just…

License: GPL by: Miguel
AIX simplest CPU/Memory/Network agents

I'm monitoring AIX hosts, and using Nagios. I developed this plugins for my own, but I hope this plugins can help someone else. If you…

AIX Check Space for all Filesystems.
4.5 (2) License: Other by: Haukur Kristinsson

Check paths for MPIO capable device This perl script was tested under Aix6.1 for LPAR/VIOS on pSeries mainframe. ./ [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] -h|--help : This help…

License: GPL by: dpiscitelli
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