Showing 691-700 of 714 results.
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Nagios Neat
Description: Nagios Neat is a "skin" for Nagios. The original stylesheets for Nagios 3.0 have been modified to provide a different presentation of the HTML…
UnicenterService Desk Ticket Automation Script Nagios + NRPE_NT to pass parameters from alarms. HOWTO: Define: nrpe.cfg to use this script: command[create_ticket]=cscript //Nologo c:nrpe_ntpluginssd.vbs $ARG1$ Call from nagios server: ./check_nrpe…
NagEventLog is a Windows service that forwards filtered EventLog messages into Nagios, via the NSCA daemon. It is based on NTSyslog and send_nsca with some…
Example Usage: nag2che.awk - ( cat hostextinfo.cfg | ./nag2che.awk ) Reads the Nagios config file and creates a cheops-ng config file. You can then fire…