
Nagios addons of all types.

Showing 41-50 of 714 results.

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Themes and Skins
Nagios 4 Dark Theme
4.2 (5) License: Apache by: Russ Cook
Event Handlers

This method includes logic for basic filtering that could be applied as a part of the alarm governance strategy to be applied globally. This is…

License: Apache by: Sam Napier
Themes and Skins
Nagios Core Dark Theme only CSS
check_mount (Perl)
License: MIT by: Tom Ryder
Nagios Webmin Module

Installs and manage Nagios Core as well as Nrpe Agent via Webmin. The module also includes an interface for stopping and starting services as well…

License: GPL by: David Ghedini
Active Checks
Radius Check

A very simple (but fast and effective) plugin to check you radius server. No more perl spaghetti libraries, just a library to fetch and a…

License: GPL by: Simone Lazzaris
License: Other by: Steve Goldthorpe
Network and System Management Solutions

I could not find a simple nagios plugin that monitorized all NICs without the use of SNMP. So made this plugin using python and code…

License: GPL by: Fabricio Martinez
Active Checks
Website monitoring

Website monitoring Monitoring whole website using the sitemap.xml Dependencies: 1. sitemap 2. wget 3. xmlstarlet 4. awk. Prerequesties: Make sure that you've installed sitemap in…

License: Other by: Vijay
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