
Nagios addons of all types.

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Active Checks
Splunk Forwarder Mangement Client check

The Nagios plugin ensures that all your clients (Indexers, Search Heads, Forwarders) are running at least the defined Splunk version. Otherwise an error will be…

License: GPL by: Andreas Roth
Active Checks
Splunk license usage check

You want to keep an eye on the license usage, as 5 warnings of the daily indexing volume using the enterprise license or 3 warnings…

License: GPL by: Andreas Roth
Active Checks
Splunk Deployment Server Check

If you use Forwarder Management (also known as Deployment Server) to configure your infrastructure, you really want to make sure your Clients/Forwarders are up-and-running. This…

License: GPL by: Andreas Roth

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS PLUGIN IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND WITHOUT ANY SUPPORT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This plugin check if the current OID is less than…

License: Other by: emaintenance
Cisco ASA VPN Monitoring

Use this dashboard to see at a glance how VPN sessions are being closed on your ASA devices, it shows bytes transmitted & received over…

4.3 (3) License: GPL by: sfalzon
McAfee Web Gateway Dashboard

This dashboard is very handy, it has been developed to fill a specific need. That need is a place to at a glance see the…

5 (1) License: GPL by: sfalzon
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