Active Checks

Nagios addons for managing active checks.

Showing 21-30 of 60 results.

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Active Checks

Checks if the host's keepalived process is in MASTER or BACKUP state. You have to set in your vrrp_instance config a line similar to that:…

License: GPL by: Zhivko Todorov
Active Checks

The script return an Ok, WARNING or CRITICAL if the network flow exeed trigger. This script use the standard IFMIB and the snmpget/snmpwalk package. The…

License: GPL by: NGS
Active Checks

Hi nagios guys! I'd like to integrate nagios and SWAT - simple web application test (API). I am not sure if this a right place…

Active Checks
Check disk free multiple drives

This PowerShell script can check free space in one or all the drivers in a server, with a single check

5 (1) License: GPL by: Javier
Active Checks

This script is designed to be invoked with NRPE/NsClient and runs in a Veeam Backup Server. It has been tested with PowerShell 4 and Veeam…

3 (1) License: GPL by: Javier
Active Checks

Command line usage example: ./check_xml -u 'http://adobe_flash_media_server:1111/admin/getServerStats?auser=admin&apswd=admin' -n 'data/io/connected,total_connects,total_disconnects' -l 'connected:80:100' ./check_xml -f teste-file.xml -n './status,timestamp:./Users/connected:./Users/user/name,email' -l 'connected:80:100' Nagios configuration example: define command { command_name…

License: GPL by: Phillipe Smith
Active Checks

Command line usage example: check_xstream -u mms://streamserver/stream -d /tmp/dump -t 10 Nagios configuration example: define command { command_name check_xtream command_line $USER1$/check_xtream -u "$ARG1$" -t $ARG2$…

5 (1) License: GPL by: Phillipe Smith
Active Checks
Splunk Forwarder Mangement Client check

The Nagios plugin ensures that all your clients (Indexers, Search Heads, Forwarders) are running at least the defined Splunk version. Otherwise an error will be…

License: GPL by: Andreas Roth
Active Checks
Splunk license usage check

You want to keep an eye on the license usage, as 5 warnings of the daily indexing volume using the enterprise license or 3 warnings…

License: GPL by: Andreas Roth