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Requirements: -PHP 5.3 and above. -Nagios 3 and above. Instructions: 1. Telegram. 1.1. Find @BotFather in your telegram account. 1.2. Creating your own bot: -…
I made this PHP-script for check state of my virtual SAN Starwind high-availability iSCSI storage. Idea was given from Prerequisites: PHP 5.3+ with php_sockets…
I used the script for checking amount of free space in my cluster shared volumes. Scrip grabs list of ALL yours CSVs and check which…
Reliable and flexible way to do notifications to e-mail (via php-mail) without setup sendmail or postfix. 1. You can use different mailboxes and mail servers…
The script php-rdp-builder downloaded from Thanks to author. 1. Get the script and put it to nagios web folder (/usr/local/nagios/share). 2. Give access to…