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Make sure to install Redis perl library from CPAN first. Next for help and to see what parameters this plugin accepts do: ./ --help This…
For help and list of options do: ./ --help The documentation in the help should be enough to get you started. The plugin despite large…
This plugin checks Memcached and measures response which can be used for threshold checks. It also retrieves various statistics data available with memcache 'stats' command…
Normally embedded nagios redirects STDOUT to internal variable and does not let nagios plugins redirect if further. And normally plugins would really not need to…
To find all available options do: ./check_by_snmp --help All SNMP Versions (1,2,3) and authentication options are supported and similar to my other check_snmp plugins. These…
This plugin provides memory statistics data from NetSNMP and calculates percentage of used data based on amount of system/user memory as opposed to also including…
The syntax for defining data is an expression in a reverse polish notation as with HP calculators with a stack used for data processing. If…
Documentation is in plugin code as usual for all my plugins. Here are parts of it: The plugin can either retrieve information from local system…
Apply patch to nagios source and recompile. If you have different version of nagios then what patches are available, try first one for older nagios…
This is a plugin for nagios to check network interfaces (network ports) on servers, switches and routers. Originally based on plugin it has extensive…
This is a nagios plugin to check JBOSS server attributes. It requires local JBOSS provided twiddle utility to be available and will call it (and…
This is a very simple nagios plugin that checks if TFTP server is up It is using Net::TFTP perl module for protocol support There are…
This plugin parses data from /proc/stat on linux system and outputs CPU utilization and load data. It outputs a lot of info (user, system, iowait,…
This is a nagios plugin to monitor RAID controller and attached disks. Originally written to support LSI SCSI Megaraid cards (sold as Dell PERC3 and…
This is a simple perl script that parses /var/log/nagios/status.dat and prints how long execution of each service type took sorting data by time - it…
This is a nagios plugin that checks status of Power Supplies on Dell servers. The monitoring system should have openmanage with data available by SNMP.…
---------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE ---------------------- This is a legacy listing. This plugin is still actively maintained and supports all latest PERC controllers which are for the…
This new version of plugin has been rewritten to support v3 based on code from other plugins but I have not had a chance to…
This is a Temperature plugin that retrieves temperature sensor values using SNMP and can issue alerts if selected parameters are above specified number. It also…
Documentation is part of plugin code on top. Below from there (and it is the not most current!): ABOUT THIS PLUGIN This is a nagios…
This is a simple nagios plugin to report localtime of the nagios system itself (or remote system when this is used with NRPE). It has…
If you need more precise measurements I suggest instead using NTPd but not everyone wants to bother setting it up and on most unix systems…
This MYSQL check plugin does "SHOW STATUS" command on mysql server and can issue alerts if selected variables are above/below given number(s). It also returns…