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Description : check_rsync_delay checks if rsync process keep running for more than 2 hours . Although it is hard coded yet you can specify the…
It check the no. of instances attached in ELB (Elastic Load Balancer). In case no. of instances in ELB are not matching with desired no.…
Usage Syntax Example: check_ssl_cert_expiry -h Domain-Name -w days -c days Here, -h = Give domain name with using https. For eg or .…
In this tutorial we will install and configure nagios core 4 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
This tutorial is about installing Nagios 4.x version from source code in Linux.We have applied this practical in CentOS and RedHat.We have added perl package…
Install and Configure NRPE in CentOS and Red Hat OS. We will learn how to add a server and its services related in nagios server…
How to Install nagios3-4-4 in entos-6-3 or Red hat 6.3 through rpm file