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checks configured safeguard enterprise sql server for license usage -H hostname of db server e.g. 'sgn1' -U username e.g. 'domaindbsnmp' -P password e.g. '123foobar' -D…
This plugins checks for weather warnings in germany with calling DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst) for a specific region (you have to look at DWD for your…
Sample nagios command definition: define command { # ARG1:, dns server # ARG2:, host_name command_name check_windows_dns command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_dns -a…
checks configured sql server for failed jobs (needs stored procedure 'sp_MonitorJobs' (which is located at my github account, see download URL) -s server e.g. 'sql06'…
- Dependencies: - NetApp 7-Mode - Nagios::Plugins (Perl) - NetApp Manageability SDK (Perl) - At line 24 adjust your lib path: use lib "/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/NetApp"; -…
This check is for SafeGuard Enterprise Management Center: 1. Load "XML" from: https://localhost/SGNSRV/Trans.asmx/CheckConnection 2. Fix safeguard webapp bug (see line 30..) 3. Check if DBAuth…
This plugin should be located in $NSCLIENT_HOME/scripts (your nsclient path) called with nrpe via NSclient++ and supports Hostname as Argument (NSclient should be run with…
Required Perl modules: - List::Compare (Ubuntu/Debian: liblist-compare-perl) - Net::SNMP (Ubuntu/Debian: libnet-snmp-perl) NAME Check Fortinet FortiGate Appliances SYNOPSIS -H -C -T [-w|-c|-S|-s|-R|-M|-V|-?] Options: -H --host…
Checks a given path for a amount of files and returns warning/critical including performance data Usage: -p path -w warning -c critical -d max-depth…
Currently ALL4000 and ALL4500 supported Checks the values from the XML interface of the device. Support for HTTP Basic Auth! HOSTNAME: Hostname or IP of…
These three perl scripts have been modified from a Altinity script to report on : - Global Status - UPS Type - Battery Capacity -…
*UPDATED* - Added kyocera 13XX Support - Added Ricoh Support (thanks to Sebastian Puschhof) The plugin was developed by the security company ciphron. It was…