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Taken from and modified for SAN/IQ 10.0, you need the following mib loaded: LEFTHAND-NETWORKS-NSM-CLUSTERING-MIB.mib LEFTHAND-NETWORKS-GLOBAL-REG-MIB.mib LEFTHAND-NETWORKS-NSM-MIB.mib Added IOPS performance. Usage: ./check_lhc VIPADDRESS COMMUNITY WARNING…
Using snmp, check cisco switch for interface with a reliability different from 0 and 255. If there are some ports the script return also a…
Using ssh and expect, check cisco switch for half-duplex ports. If there are some ports the script return also a list of them. You need…
Using ssh and expect, check cisco switch for err-disabled ports. If there are some disabled ports the script return also a list of them. You…
Check AP under a MSM 760 series controller and notify if some AP is not connected/sync. In the text field of notification write the name…