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USAGE: ============== Nagios Fusion 2012r1.4+ ships with a login splash template file: /usr/local/nagiosfusion/html/ file. Modify this template as needed, and then specify this include in…
Install through the Admin->Manage Components page of Nagios XI. NOTE: This component will increase the page load time for host status information.
USAGE: ============== Nagios XI 2012r1.3+ ships with a login splash template file: /usr/local/nagiosxi/html/ file. Modify this template as needed, and then specify this include in…
CHANGES 1.1 - Added theme selection option for a high contrast version Important: This component won't work with Fusion 4!
REQUIREMENTS: ============= - Nagios Fusion 2012r1.1 or later - Existing LDAP server - Any LDAP users must first be created in Nagios Fusion Important: This…
Installing Components In Nagios XI
See The Installation Instructions to install Nagios Mobile in Nagios Core or Nagios XI older than 2012RC. Installing Nagios Mobile IMPORTANT: If you are running…
Graph Explorer Features: - Graph listings filtered for each XI user - Top Alert Producers bar graph - Host and Service Health pie charts -…
CHANGES: 1.4 - New Feature: Added checkbox options for sticky, notifications, and persistent acknowledgments. Requested by (Doh and Mitchell) 1.3 - minor updates 1.2 -…
This wizard allows you to monitor the status of your Nagios BPI groups. This tool allows you to utilize notifications for your business processes and…
This wizard automatically generates checks for Nagios statistics (nagiostats), including; host/service checks per minute, check latency, execution time, external command usage, and more. This wizard…
Create a custom RSS feed with up to 5 sources. The feed is color-coded by newest to oldest, and scrolls as a list in order…
Define your own URL, dimensions, and opacity in this highly flexible dashlet! To install on Nagios XI, download the dashlet to your workstation. Access the…
This component makes it possible to use an Active Directory store as a source of user account information for Nagios XI. Rather than checking the…
This component makes it possible to use an Active Directory store as a source of user account information for Nagios Fusion. Rather than checking the…
Demo Video Documentation: Using The BPI Addon To Upgrade on Nagios XI: -IMPORTANT: Back up your bpi.conf file or you will lose all of your…
Downloads: Latest Tarball : Download Nagios V-Shell View CHANGELOG Documentation: Documentation on installing and using V-Shell can be found here. Install documentation is also included…
This component is to be used in conjunction with our current Nagvis installation script, and it bring all existing Nagvis maps inside the maps menu…
This dashlet is intended to be paired with the XI Google Map component. It allows the insertion of the Google Map tool into a dashlet…
Display host status as an overlay on a Google Map within Nagios XI. Uses lat/long coordinates to identify host location. Version 1.1 support polylines for…
This document describes how to manage hosts and host groups using the Nagios XI Core Config Manager. This document will discuss the following items: Adding…
This document explains how to utilize the different features of the Details menu in the Nagios XI interface. This document is intended for use by…
Dashboards are a powerful feature of Nagios XI designed to provide individual users with customized information they find useful. Dashboards are often used to display…