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USAGE $ ./check_slabsize -h check_slabsize - Alert if Slab usage is high. Usage: check_slabsize [options] -p : Add performance data output for graphing. -w NUM…
This is a variation on the check_cluster nagios check. It's mainly useful for low power devices, or very busy machines that continuously run at a…
$ ./check_file_exists_glob -h check_file_exists_glob - Alert if a FILE does not exist. Usage: check_file_exists_glob [options] -d DIR FILE FILE : The file to search for. Can glob using '*' etc, but place file names with glob patterns within quotes. Mandatory. The FILE must always be specified. -d DIR : Base directory to search in. Mandatory option - the DIR must always be specified. -i : Invert FILE, so alert if FILE does exist. -I : Alert if DIR does not exist. -p : Add performance data output for graphing. -w NUM : Warning alert if >=NUM files are found and invert files '-i' is on. (Default is: 1) -c NUM : Critical alert if >=NUM files are found and invert files '-i' is on. (Default is: 1) -h : Display this help text. Example: Check that /tmp/dir/file exists. ./check_file_exists_glob -d /tmp/dir file Check that /tmp/dir/file does NOT exist. ./check_file_exists_glob -d /tmp/dir -i file Again check that /tmp/dir/file does NOT exist but this time alert if the directory it could be found in, /tmp/dir, is missing.… - Interface statistics plugin. Usage: [options] -h : Display this help text. -i REGX : Include the interface(s) matched by the REGX regular expression. Defaults to showing all interfaces. Specify this option multiple times to add more. -x REGX : Exclude the interface(s) matched by the REGX regular expression. Defaults to excluding none. Excludes will override any includes. Specify this option multiple times to add more. -k : Don't include the slaves of bond devices or bond devices with no slaves. -p : Include performance data (for graphing). -b : Brief - exclude stats in status message. Useful for systems with many interfaces where a large status message might cause truncation of the performance data. -I NAME : Interface that must always be included. This is not a regular expression - it should match one interface only. Emits warning if an interface specified here is down. Specify this option multiple times to add more. -a : Semi automatic. This will try to work out if the interface is intentionally down or not and alert in the latter case. For example, if the administrator did 'ip li set eth2 up' then it would alert when down, but if instead 'ip li set eth2 down' then there would…
$ ./check_crl_bulk -h check_crl_bulk - Check the 'Next Update' field of a number of CRL, Certificate Revocation List, files in bulk. Usage: check_crl_bulk [options] -h : Display this help text. -c DIR : Location of the directory containing CRL files. (Default is: /etc/crl) -i REGX : Include files matching the REGX regular expression. Specify more than once to add more include expressions. -x REGX : Exclude files matching the REGX regular expression. Specify more than once to add more exclude expressions. -f : Make REGX searches FILE GLOBS instead. In this case a '.' will match a dot only and '*' will be needed. -n NUM : Expected number of files. -p : Add performance data for graphing. -v : Be more verbose. Show file names and status. -w NUM : Warn if a CRL is within NUM hours of expiring. Examples: Check all files in the default directory, '/etc/crl': ./check_crl_bulk Check all files. Show a warning if a CRL will expire within 2 days. ./check_crl_bulk -w 48 Exclude all files names containing ".p7" and 5178 in their name:…
$ ./check_nagios_config -h Usage: check_nagios_config [options] -h : Display this help text. -c FILE : Location of nagios configuration file, nagios.cfg. (Default is: /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg) -n FILE : Location of nagios main executable file, nagios. (Default is: /usr/sbin/nagios) -x DIR : Run in a chroot environment based at DIR. -X FILE : Location of the chroot executable file. (Default is: /usr/sbin/chroot) -s : Use sudo to run the command. -p : Add performance data output for graphing. -l : Add long output excluding the lines starting with 'Processing'.…
EXAMPLE OUTPUT $ ./ -d sda -W 10 -C 20 summary: 3 io/s, read 32 sectors (0kB/s), write 4216 sectors (43kB/s), queue size 0 in…
Uses ENTITY-MIB and CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB. Only bash and snmpwalk or snmpbulkwalk are required. EXAMPLE OUTPUT CRITICAL: poweredDown-->'10 Gbps Ethernet XL Module'-->'LinecardSlot-10'-->'Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis'. OK:…
Uses ENTITY-MIB and CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB. Only bash and snmpwalk or snmpbulkwalk are required. EXAMPLE OUTPUT WARNING: All PSUs are present (Nexus 5010 PSU module, 110-208VAC 550w).…
Written in bash - only snmpwalk or snmpbulkwalk is required. snmpbulkwalk is used by default. Edit the 'DEFAULTS' section of the script to change to…
Features: Easy to use. Easy to install using OS package manager. Individual install guides for multiple platforms. Import lists of hosts from csv files. Make…
This plugin checks /var/log/messages for various errors output by the puppet agent. Sometimes this plugin will not show that an error has cleared until the…
*** This script is for MS-Windows environment *** This PowerShell script works with NSClient++ on MS-Windows environment. This is a heavily modified version of check_nbu_backstat.ps1…