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check o365 License usage prerequisites This script uses theses libs : REST::Client, Data::Dumper, Monitoring::Plugin, File::Basename, JSON, Readonly, URI::Encode to install them type : (sudo) cpan… 1.0.1 This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of…
check redfish api Nagios check hardware health via redfish API has been tested on lenovo xcc, dell idrac. It may work on other brand. prerequisites… 2.0.0 This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of… 2.0.0 This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of… 3.0.0 This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of…
check_scaleway_server This is a Nagios check that uses Scaleway's REST API to get server state prerequisites This script uses theses libs : REST::Client, Data::Dumper,… 1.1.0 This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of…
check_lenovo_storage check Hardware for lenovo thinksystem storage via REST API prerequisites This script uses theses libs : REST::Client, Data::Dumper, Monitoring::Plugin, MIME::Base64, JSON, LWP::UserAgent, Readonly to…
check_esg_health check vmware esg health via nsx rest api [PERL] prerequisites This script uses theses libs : REST::Client,Data::Dumper,Getopt::Long,MIME::Base64,LWP::UserAgent,IO::Socket::SSL to install them you can use cpan…
Check Azure pipeline run Usage: [-v] -t -i -s -p -T -d -P -v, --verbose print extra debugging information -h, --help print this help…
check_haproxy_stats check_haproxy_stats is a Nagios check for Haproxy using the statistics page Source to the original script : prerequisites This script uses theses libs…
check_scaleway_bddredis This is a Nagios check that use Scaleways's REST API to check if the Redis bdd is up and get metric [ALL][PERL] prerequisites…
check_scaleway_bdd This is a Nagios check that use Scaleway's REST API to check if the bdd is up and get metric prerequisites This script…
check_hycu_target Nagios check that use HYCUs REST API to get HYCU target storage usage and status prerequisites This script uses theses libs : REST::Client, Data::Dumper,…
check_hycu_backup_vm Nagios check that uses HYCU's REST API to get backup status prerequisites This script uses theses libs : REST::Client, Data::Dumper, Getopt::Long, Monitoring::Plugin, MIME::Base64, JSON,…