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Usage: [options] # -h | --host: ip of device. # -t | --tunnels: list of tunnels to check. Array of pairs of gateways. ######…
Usage: [options] # -h | --host: ip of device. # -w | --warning: warning hours since last update. Default 24. # -c | --critical:…
Usage: [options] # -h | --host: ip of device. # -w | --warning: optional. Number of connections warning. # -c | --critical: optional. Number…
Usage: [options] # -h | --host: ip of device. # -w | --warning: % of cpu warning. Default 90. # -c | --critical: %…
Usage: [options] # -h | --host: ip of device. # -w | --warning: % of memory warning. Default 85. # -c | --critical: %…
Usage: [options] # -h | --host: ip of device. # -w1 | --warning1: load1 warning. Default: 0.7 # -c1 | --critical1: load1 critical. Default:…
Check Veeam last result and last run date of all jobs (tape and computer). OUTPUTS - OK: All jobs last result is Success. - WARNING:…
OUTPUTS - OK: All disk fragmentation status is ok. - WARNING: % of fragmentation equal to Warning treshold. - CRITICAL: % of fragmentation equal to…
DESCRIPTION Check Azure AD Connect Sync status and returns Nagios output and code. PARAMETER Hours Hours since the last synchronization. Default: 3 OUTPUTS * OK:…
SYNOPSIS Check IIS Website and AppPool status. DESCRIPTION Check IIS Website and AppPool status and try to start stopped ones. PARAMETER Websites Websites to check…
SYNOPSIS Check all automatic services are running and try to start stopped ones. DESCRIPTION Check all automatic services are running and returns Nagios output and…
SYNOPSIS Check AD Replication in a DC Server. DESCRIPTION Check AD Replication in a DC Server and returns Nagios output and code. PARAMETER Warning Number…
SYNOPSIS Check Windows Server Backup last scheduled job status. DESCRIPTION Check Windows Server Backup and returns Nagios output and code. PARAMETER Hours Number of hours…
SYNOPSIS Check Backup Exec last scheduled job status. DESCRIPTION Check Backup Exec last scheduled job status and returns Nagios output and code. PARAMETER Hours Number…
Plugin for Icinga/Nagios that allow to check a group of Windows performance counters specified in a XML file. Check out on GitHub for more detailed…