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Nagios plug-in that recursively checks for filesystem input/output errors by directory using stat. Options: -p Directory or mountpoint to begin -d Depth i.e. level of…
Check printer queue status (enq) on AIX. If the queue matches the given status then return OK. Options: -q Comma separated list of print queue…
Check the capacity of a volume using df. Options: -v Specify volume as mountpoint -c Critical threshold as an int (0-100) -w Warning threshold as…
Checks the status, or exit, code of another program and returns a Nagios status code based on the result. Options: -r Absolute path of program…
Check status of system services for Linux, FreeBSD, OSX, and AIX. Options: -s Specify service name -l List services -o OS type, "linux/osx/freebsd/aix" -u User…
Check the level of byte growth of a file for a time interval. Also, check that a file is growing. Options: -f Specify filename as…
Check the number of connections/sockets in a given state. Uses iproute2's ss tool to retrieve connections. Options: -s State of connection (def: all) (established, syn-sent,…
-T Check type, "status/loss/capture_loss/myricom/print" status - Check status of all Bro workers loss - Average packet loss by name capture_loss - Checks for packet loss…
Check for status of OSSEC agents and server. This script should be run on the OSSEC server. ########### # Examples: # ########### # 1.) Check…
Nagios plug-in that calculates receiving PPS, BPS, and percentage of line-rate (LR) from Linux kernel statistics by reading from procfs and reports if above a…