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he values are returned from one of these rate groups: * g3callratedata * g3callratevoice * g3callratesrv * g3callratemedia * g3callratetotal The returned data is most…
Nagios checks are typically run in 5 minute intervals. Much could happen in between checks, fo example when a lot of short calls are being…
It requires SNMP access to the Avaya media server, which is configured in the management console. The plugin is written in Perl and depends on…
One of the core functions in a availability monitoring system is the ability to send out status alerts and notifications. Nagios only comes with a…
This plugin checks the CPU load of AVAYA S8xxx media servers, accessing Avaya's SNMP agent with G3-AVAYA-MIB Version 5.1.1. It returns the total CPU usage…
This plugin checks the tablespace size of a specific Oracle database against WARN and CRIT thresholds. It returns the total tablespace size, current size, space…
Many modern business software applications use a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) as their backend data store. Relational databases are optimized fast transactional operations and…
For us, Nagiosgraph is the most important extension to our monitoring system. Before Nagiosgraph, we had been relying entirely on Cacti for performance monitoring. With…
We needed a Apache web server monitoring that is able to watch the current web server session status. It should alert us for reaching the…
One fine day it happened: Nagios missed to alarm us for a server going down. One of the Windows servers (what else) rebooted due to…
The plugin requires the database to be set up for accepting network connections, and being reachable through that network port from the Nagios server. The…
This plugin checks the tablespace size of a specific IBM DB2 database against WARN and CRIT thresholds. It returns the total tablespace size, current size,…
The plugin requires the database to be set up for accepting network connections and being reachable through that network port from the Nagios server. The…
Nagiosgraph is our most important extension to the monitoring system. There are several packages available for Nagios graphing, but at the time of implementation in…
Entering host system data into Nagios can be cumbersome if there are hundreds of devices. An auto-discovery feature would be nice, something that could find…