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Objective Get metrics of AWS ECS cluster Memory & CPU. Usage ./ [-h] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--metricname METRICNAME] [--clustername CLUSTERNAME] [--servicename SERVICENAME] [--period PERIOD] [--statistics STATISTICS]…
Usage ./ [-h] [--clustername CLUSTERNAME] [--ok_threshold OK_THRESHOLD] [--critical_threshold CRITICAL_THRESHOLD] Arguments -h, --help Show this help message and exit --clustername CLUSTERNAME Classic Load Balancer provides basic…
Prerequisites Python3 boto3 extention (using: pip install boto3) AWS cli installed AWS Access key, Secret key and Region configured Usage ./ [-h] [--loadbalancer LOADBALANCER] [--period…
Prerequisites Python3 boto3 extention (using: pip install boto3) AWS cli installed AWS Access key, Secret key and Region configured Usage ./ [-h] [--targetgroup TARGETGROUP] [--loadbalancer…
Objective Get metrics of AWS ECS service Memory & CPU. Prerequisites Python3 boto3 extention (using: pip install boto3) AWS cli installed AWS Access key, Secret…