Cool Stuff



Arduino INO Project that allows you to use collect and evaluate DHT11 sensor data to NagiosXI NRDP

DHT Metrics Collection:
Send DHT11 sensor data to NagiosXI wihtout evaluation via NRDP. Temperature (C) Humidity (%) DewPoint (C) HeatIndex (C)

DHT Critical Evaluations:
Send DHT11 sensor data to NagiosXI after evaluating it against a fixed value. Temperature is greater than 27.00 (C) Humidity is greater than 75.00 (%)

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios XI


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Project Notes
_______________________________________________________ NOTE: This example REQUIRES an ESP32 Device _______________________________________________________ General usage documentation Script Modifications The example will not work out of the box. You must make some changes to the networking and NRDP server configuration. WiFi Connection Settings Line # 105 Change the SSID to be that of your test network. Line # 106 Change the password for your test network NagiosXI NRDP Settings Line # 599 Change the hostname in the nrdp url string to be that of your NagiosXI Server Line # 606 Change the token value to be that of your NagiosXI Server NagiosXI Inbound Connection Settings In order for the ESP32 device to communicate your NagiosXI Server need to be configured to allow; Inbound Connections to NRDP NRDP Token configured Unconfigured Objects New hosts will appear in unconfigured objects. Adding the device to your NagiosXI Server will require either maually adding the host and services from Admin Tools or the enablement of automatic processing of these items.
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