Websites, Forms and Transactions



Synthetic website monitoring with Selenium and Docker.

check_selenium_docker is a Nagios based plugin that spins up a Docker container, executes the test and, once the test is finished and the result has been reported back to the monitoring solution, removes the Docker container.

Current Version

Last Release Date

March 2, 2020

Compatible With

  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI



Project Photos
Project Notes
Workflow * Install Selenium IDE for Chrome ( * Record your test. * Export the test and copy the .side file to the server that will run the docker image. * A Docker container will execute the test and report the test results back to the monitoring system.
Reviews (4) Add a Review
version 2.0
by psuw, March 31, 2021

Here is it improved 2.0 version of this plugin:

It fails when the test is launched with check_selenium_docker
by johndoe, March 31, 2020

Hi, In my case it fails when the test is launched with the check_selenium_docker plugin but not when it is run with Selenium IDE for Firefox: /opt/plugins/custom/ /opt/plugins/custom/selenium/testing/ CRITICAL: Failed 1 of 1 tests. Error message: ? Default Suite › cccc TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(link text, Bolsas de trabajo) Wait timed out after 15018ms at ../../usr/lib/node_modules/selenium-side-runner/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:841:17 | 'passed'=0;;;; 'failed'=1;;;; 'exec_time'=146s;;;; Output sss.json: {"numFailedTestSuites":1,"numFailedTests":1,"numPassedTestSuites":0,"numPassedTests":0,"numPendingTestSuites":0,"numPendingTests":0,"numRuntimeErrorTestSuites":0,"numTodoTests":0,"numTotalTestSuites":1,"numTotalTests":1,"openHandles":[],"snapshot":{"added":0,"didUpdate":false,"failure":false,"filesAdded":0,"filesRemoved":0,"filesRemovedList":[],"filesUnmatched":0,"filesUpdated":0,"matched":0,"total":0,"unchecked":0,"uncheckedKeysByFile":[],"unmatched":0,"updated":0},"startTime":1583936921135,"success":false,"testResults":[{"assertionResults":[{"ancestorTitles":["Default Suite"],"failureMessages":["TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(link text, Bolsas de trabajo)nWait timed out after 15018msn at /usr/lib/node_modules/selenium-side-runner/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:841:17n at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)"],"fullName":"Default Suite cccc","location":null,"status":"failed","title":"cccc"}],"endTime":1583937067794,"message":" ? Default Suite › ccccnn TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(link text, Bolsas de trabajo)n Wait timed out after 15018msnn at ../../usr/lib/node_modules/selenium-side-runner/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:841:17n","name":"/selenium-side-runner/side-suite-sss/DefaultSuite.test.js","startTime":1583936921276,"status":"failed","summary":""}],"wasInterrupted":false} Any idea? Thanks!

Works very well
by bjarnijensopsdis, March 31, 2020

Used in production, do recommend.

Doesnt' work for me
by jpvhack, March 31, 2020

Hello, I followed this guide: My computer: CentOS Linux version 7.7.1908 (Core) My error: [root@MVCCR:/opt/plugins/custom]# ./ /opt/plugins/custom/selenium/ CRITICAL: Failed 1 of 1 tests. Error message: ? Default Suite › google TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(css selector, .bkWMgd:nth-child(1) .g:nth-child(1) .LC20lb) Wait timed out after 15150ms at ../../usr/lib/node_modules/selenium-side-runner/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:841:17 | 'passed'=0;;;; 'failed'=1;;;; 'exec_time'=22s;;;;

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Project Stats
3.6 (7)