The script utilises the Nimble Storage API to monitor the state of any lagged volumes, i.e. replicas that are still in a copying state. The user can specify when a lagged volume breaches a specific threshold in seconds to generate an error. Its normal for there to be a small amount of lag when the replication occurs, so you set it to a threshold after which you care. For example if a volume collection normally replicates within about 60 minutes (3600 seconds), then set the threshold for 3600, that way if it goes over that you’ll know. The script uses the Nimble Storage API, so setting it to check every 30 minutes is normally sufficient.
The script makes use of the Nimble Storage API, it is recommended to create a read-only account on the Nimble Storage array(s), this can be AD/LDAP or local.
The script is written in Python 2.7, check the shebang line at the start of the file to ensure the path to your interpreter is correct.
Example usage:
./ -e -u username -p password -c theshold(in seconds)
Within NagiosXI configuration you can use the -e as an argument and enter the URL as written, NagiosXI appears to deal with the escapes correctly.
You may need to put the password in single quotes (if it contains weird characters).
There is a debug mode, add “-d” to the end of the command string for more detailed output for troubleshooting operation of the script, this is best run from the command line of the NagiosXI server.
Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
Tristan Self
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