
Responsive HTML Email Notifications Templates for Nagios


A notification plugin for Nagios to figure out if responsive or none-responsive HTML emails are to be sent to the contact person’s email address.

Current Version

2.1.1 (1011)

Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI
  • Nagios Fusion

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Project Notes
Responsive HTML Email Notifications Templates for Nagios Go to GitHub link above, to get the files. Here are two php built scripts, one for sending Host Notifications and one for sending Service Notifications, as Responsive HTML email messages from your Nagios server. Copyrights Copyright (©) 2017 Heini Holm Andersen Installation: * Copy the php-html-email folder to the Nagios plugins directory (usually named 'libexec') and make sure all files are owned by the user nagios uses and also that all files are made executable by the nagios user! Then configure Nagios. Nagios Configuration: * For the host and services notification alerts, add these lines to your Nagios commands file (usually located in the Nagios configurations directory and named 'objects') as command definitions: # 'notify-host-by-email-html' command definition define command { command_name notify-host-by-email-html command_line $USER1$/php-html-email/nagios_host_mail "$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$" "$HOSTNAME$" "$HOSTALIAS$" "$HOSTSTATE$" "$HOSTADDRESS$" "$HOSTOUTPUT$" "$SHORTDATETIME$" "$CONTACTEMAIL$" "$TOTALHOSTSUP$" "$TOTALHOSTSDOWN$" "$NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$" "$NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$" "$LONGDATETIME$" "$HOSTDURATION$" "$HOSTDURATIONSEC$" "$LASTHOSTCHECK$" "$LASTHOSTSTATECHANGE$" "$NOTIFICATIONISESCALATED$" "$HOSTATTEMPT$" "$MAXHOSTATTEMPTS$" } # 'notify-service-by-email-html' command definition define command { command_name notify-service-by-email-html command_line $USER1$/php-html-email/nagios_service_mail "$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$" "$HOSTNAME$" "$HOSTALIAS$" "$HOSTSTATE$" "$HOSTADDRESS$" "$SERVICEOUTPUT$" "$SHORTDATETIME$" "$SERVICEDESC$" "$SERVICESTATE$" "$CONTACTEMAIL$" "$SERVICEDURATIONSEC$" "$SERVICEEXECUTIONTIME$" "$TOTALSERVICESWARNING$" "$TOTALSERVICESCRITICAL$" "$TOTALSERVICESUNKNOWN$" "$LASTSERVICEOK$" "$LASTSERVICEWARNING$" "$SERVICENOTIFICATIONNUMBER$" "$LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$" "$NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR$" "$NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$" "$SERVICEDURATION$" "$NOTIFICATIONISESCALATED$" "$SERVICEATTEMPT$" "$MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS$" } * Now that the command object has been configured, you must tell your contacts to use this new command. I have a generic-contact template that all of my individual contacts inherit from, thus I only have to update the template to use the new command, like seen here below: define contact{ name generic-contact register 0 service_notification_commands notify-service-by-email-html host_notification_commands notify-host-by-email-html Restart Nagios to pick up the changes.
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Working Properly
by nishith, June 30, 2021

The said plugin is working properly. No need to make more efforts. Just follow the instructions given & you're good to go.

Works Perfectly!
by SorianoTech, September 30, 2020

I just modify the path of my plugin in the definition commands. $USER1$/php-html-email/nagios_host_mail for this one... command_line /opt/Custom-Nagios-Plugins/php-html-email/nagios_host_mail Thanks

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