Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth

Meraki – Check 4G Status


This plugin will query the Meraki Cloud controller and return user friendly status messages of the cellular backup connection to be displayed by the Nagios Server.

Current Version


Last Release Date

August 17, 2017

Compatible With

  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI

Project Notes
Requirements 1 - The MAC Address of the device you want to monitor, MAC needs to be formatted as follows => XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX ************************************************************* How to use 1 - Create a new file named "check_meraki_4g_status" on "/usr/local/nagios/libexec" and paste the code below, make sure to verify permissions for the new file: #!/usr/bin/php ****************************************************** 2 - Define a new command on your objects folder: # 'check_meraki_4g_status' command definition define command{ command_name check_meraki_4g_status command_line $USER1$/check_meraki_4g_status $ARG1$ } 3- Define a new service for the host you want to monitor: # Meraki Controller Device Status define service { use generic-service host_name "Your host name" service_description Meraki 4G Status check_command check_meraki_4g_status! "Your Host MAC Address" } 4 - Check you Nagios Server to see if the plugin is working. I have this working on Core 4.3.1 and XI.
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