Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth



This a plugin that monitor non-snmp standard network interfaces.

Unlike others Check_Interface plugins you should know at least 3 SNMP OIDs where are stored : interface Tx maximum capacity, interface total Tx octets (snmpIfOutOctets) (or some other network counter), interface total Rx octets (snmpIfInOctets) (or some other network counter).

Unlike other interface monitoring plugins, rrd graph show you the result with a single scale of values (instant value / max capacity).

Check scrreshots 🙂 !!!

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Compatible With

  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI




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Project Notes
Explanation: Originally writted to monitor Ubiquiti AirFiber backhaul. With this hardware, network interface speed is dependent on weather condition and distance so snmp values are not in classical SNMPv2 branch but in private MIB. This plugin allow you to check interface speed Tx and Rx by an OID, data counters by an OID, specify unit for datas received (tipically, in my case, RxTx are in bits and data counters in octets). He converts output in unit of your choice (bits, bytes/octets) and at the scale of your choice for graphs (bits/bytes, kilo, mega, giga). Example: -H -C public -v 1 -s . -R . -T . -e B -I . -O . -m b -f M -b -w 95 -c 99 Usage: -H host [ -C community ] [ -v version] [ -p port] -b [ -n counter_name ] [ -R oid_string ] [ -T oid_string ] [ -e input_unit ] [ -I oid_string ] [ -O oid_string ] [ -m RxTx_unit] [ -f output_scale] [ -w warn ] [ -c crit ] Check with a MIB explorer if values provided by -I, -O -R and -T are in bits or Bytes to set -e and -m options. Options: -H, --host STRING or IPADDRESS Check interface on the indicated host. -b, --bits Display results in bits per second b/s (default: Bytes/s) -C, --community STRING SNMP Community. -v --version STRING default snmp v1 -p --port INTEGER snmp port -n, --counterName STRING Unique identifier of your choice for this counter. Required if you don't use -s -s --oidDescr oid where you can find interface description. Required if you don't use -n. Overwrite -n option -R --snmpIfInOctets STRING oid for RX counter -T --snmpIfOutOctets STRING oid for TX counter -e, --inputUnits STRING b=bits, B=Bytes Units of collected datas by -I and -O options. Default, bits -I, --inBandwidth STRING SNMP OID in which Rx capacity can be found. Applied to both IN and OUT if no second (-O) max speed is provided. -O, --outBandwidth STRING SNMP OID in which Tx capacity can be found -m --RxTxUnit b=bits/s, B=Bytes/s unit of Rx/Tx capacity (default bits). -f, --outputScale G=giga,M=mega,K=kilo,B=stay in bits or Bytes (according to -b option). Default, mega. Scale of perfdata result (scale of your graph). -w, --warning INTEGER % of bandwidth usage necessary to result in warning status (default: 85%) -c, --critical INTEGER % of bandwidth usage necessary to result in critical status (default: 98%)
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